Our Story

Our connection to Ethiopia began through adoptions in 2007 and 2011. Since then, our journey has continued with multiple trips back to visit birth family and establish contacts to facilitate ongoing relationships. During our 2014 visit, we were introduced to an organization called Let Us Change in Hawassa, Ethiopia which has since locally attained NGO in-country status as Beteseb Charity Association (BCA). "Beteseb Charity Association has been working with its international partners for the last 15 years to help children, women, and youth in Ethiopia who are affected by the harsh realities of street life - to help them recover, rebuild, and prevent from returning to such terrible street life." 
Empower Ethiopia (US) partners  with Let Us Change (Belgium) and Beteseb (Ethiopia) to ensure that the children in their care continue to grow and flourish, knowing that they are loved and valued, and that they too can contribute to their community and society at large. This is accomplished through adequate nutrition, schooling, health care, and a nurturing environment.